Samstag, 22. Februar 2014

Tag 6: Wonderla - Wonder-what!?

After a quite busy week so far, the sixth day is our first (half) day off. After breakfast, our students participated again at the Magnovite Fest on Kengeri Campus. Some student volunteers guided our students through various Labs. When we were shown the beautiful library, Peter could not resist to stay in the library for about an hour and read in a few books.

Without lunch, we departed to an amusement park called Wonderla which is located very close to the campus. We were told that the park is the 7th largest in Asia. Well, having seen it, I’m surprised that it actually has the same size as Phantasialand in Germany (spanning about 30 ha). Lunch was on our own and the faculty members visited a vegetarian restaurant.

The park has 53 land and water based rides. Our students seemed to enjoy the park very much, so that we can consider this half day off as a success. The only problem was that a few students were very wet when we were about to leave and head towards a higher-level restaurant. To be honest, the half day was also very relaxing for the faculty members. Two of them felt asleep immediately after lunch.

My personal high-light was the restaurant in the evening. For the first time we could not only choose between many Indian dishes but also between various pasta dishes. Many of us took the chance to get some more European like food.

Tomorrow we will continue our trip and go to Mysore.


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