Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2014

Tag 3: CSA Slumbesuch und typisch indisches Mittagessen ;)

The third day of our trip to India was all about visiting an Indian slum in Bangalore and getting informed about the living-conditions of the poorest of the poor in the Indian society. In the morning of this day we had an interesting presentation of a representative of the Center for Social Action (CSA) which is sponsored by the Christ University. This social establishment sponsors urban and rural communities in India in order to promote their wealth in longer terms.

After the Presentation, we visited the Janakiramanager Community (NGO Visit). Anuspandana, a Microenterprise setup, was introduced to us. It was initiated by a group of 20 women who are trained to make high quality products from used and embroidered cement bags.

Next we visited a Second Hand Shop. The earned money is used to help the needy in the Janakiramnager Layout.

After all that we were a little bit out of time and the traffic was horrible so we decided to eat in a small restaurants next to the street. The food was ok but it would have been complicated if the bill had been split, so the professors paid the food.

Oliver W.'s meal... ;)

In the evening we once again met our Indian counterparts to work on our common project.

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